How to get from Sidi Kaouki to Imsouane
To make this journey you need to change at Ghazoua (Le Rendezvous cafe)
1: Take a street taxi from Sidi Kaouki to Ghazoua (Le Rendezvous cafe). This trip is 15 minutes and should cost around 60 dirhams for the car (definitely don't pay more than 100..!)
2: Book our 3:15 pm bus from Ghazoua (Le Rendezvous cafe) to Imsouane (Chillax cafe). This trip takes 1 hour 30 minutes and costs €12 per person
Total time around 2 hours
How to get from Imsouane to Sidi Kaouki
To make this journey you need to change at Ghazoua (Le Rendezvous cafe)
1: Book our 11:45 am bus from Imsouane (Chillax cafe) to Ghazoua (Le Rendezvous cafe). This trip takes 1 hour 30 minutes and costs €12 per person
2: Take a street taxi from Ghazoua to Sidi Kaouki. This trip takes 15 minutes and should cost around 60 dirhams for the car (definitely don't pay more than 100..!)
Total time around 2 hours
Email: | Whatsapp: +447367179102
FB Page: @souktosurf | FB Messenger:

Company Overview:
Souk to Surf shuttles and taxis are operated by Red Kech Travel Transfers
© Souk to Surf 2022